Assignment 2

Deadline: Nov, 18 2022 14:00 CET


2.1 Implement a palindrome matrix

Return an n x n matrix (2-dimensional numpy array) where n is the length of the input string. palindrome_matrix[i][j] is True iff the substring between indices i and j (both inclusive) is a palindrome, otherwise it is False. All cells below the diagonal should be False. The diagonal is trivially always True.

For example, given the string 'aba', the function should return the following matrix:

[[ True, False, True  ]
 [ False, True, False ]
 [ False, False, True ]]

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2.2 Find the minumum numbers of palindromic segmentations of a string

Given a string, return the minimum number of segmentations such that all resulting substrings are palindromes.

For example, for the string "aab", the function should return 1 (consider the segmentation aa - b), whereas "abc" should return 2 (the best segmentation would be a - b - c).

Use a dynamic programming approach.

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Wrapping up

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